In order to provide sufficient manpower for the police force in two years, 20 thousand policemen will be recruited in the state soon, out of which the advertisement for the recruitment of 8000 policemen has been published, while the advertisement for the recruitment of 12 thousand more policemen will be published soon. Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis has also informed that after reviewing the cyber security, while interacting with the media, some reforms will be made so that cyber crimes are exposed immediately.
Davendra Fadnavis said that an advertisement for the recruitment of seven to eight thousand posts in the police department has been issued earlier and now the advertisement for another 12 thousand posts will be issued soon.

When is Maharashtra Police Bharati ?

Maharashtra Police Bharati coming soon in 2022
Who is declared Maharashtra Police Bharati ?
Minister Devendra fadanvis Declared Maharashtra Police Bharati 2022